If everyone lived my lifestyle, we would need 1.5 Earths

What does this mean:

The Ecological Footprint is derived by tracking how much biologically productive area it takes to provide for all the competing demands of people. These demands include space for food growing, fibre production, timber regeneration, absorption of  carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel burning, and accommodating built infrastructure.

The good news:

Australia and New Zealand are positive contributors, an ecological reserve exists when the biocapacity of a region exceeds its population's Ecological Footprint.


The bad news:

I recently completed the Ecological Footprint Calculator again. Since I last did it, I’ve changed my energy plan to 100% renewable, switched to primarily a plant based diet, exclusively purchased local produce, and walked about 95% of my commuted distance weekly. The planet still cannot sustain me - that is sobering.

The action:

Data is power and acts as the springboard to help us make better choices about our lives. What was your Ecological Footprint? When is your “overshoot day”?



Lessons (re)Learnt


Imagine not being woken up by loud garbage trucks.